Wildcats app logo


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Get it from the Google Play store

To request a "How to" for a specific feature of the app, email webmaster@hardee.k12.fl.us


Step 1

screenshot of homescreen of app

The name of the school you're currently looking at (underlined in RED) will always be under the word "Home." This particular feed is from the district site.

Click "Menu" in the bottom left corner of the screen (inside the RED square box)

Step 2

screenshot of the menu of the app

Under "MY ORGANIZATIONS" (underlined in RED), click the down arrow (circled in RED) to choose a different school site (default is Hardee County Schools district page).

Step 3

screenshot of the app

Click "See all organizations" (circled in RED)

Step 4

screenshot of the app

From here you can choose a site to visit.

To add a school to your "Organizations" list, click the plus button in the upper right corner (circled in RED)

Step 5

screenshot of the app

Makes sure the schools you want to see are check-marked. (inside the RED rectangle)

Then click "Done" at the bottom (in the RED oval)

Step 6

screenshot of the app

The schools you have chosen will have a star next to them (circled in RED)

To exit the list, click "Cancel" at the bottom (inside the RED oval)

Step 7

screenshot of the app

Now when you click "My Organizations" from the Menu, the schools you selected will be easily available.

Click the X at the bottom left of the screen to exit the menu.